আমাকে  "bad effects of tiktok" এই নিয়ে একটা dialouge লিখে দিন.....

tiktok বলতে ফেসবুকে/ইউটিউব এ যেসব ভিডিও ছাড়া হয় লিপ song,dance এগুলোর সাহায্যে...

যেখান থেকে পান সেখান থেকে লিখে দিন...... 

দয়া করে লিখে দিন,তাহলে খুবই উপকৃত হবো....

plz,লিখে দিন......

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You: hi,how are you?

your friend : fine, you?

you: me too. what are you doing now?

your friend: I made a video with Tiktok. 

you: Why are you using this app?

your friend: cause it is safe and so entertaining.

you: Your idea is wrong.

your friend : why?

you:I believe the app that was intended for harmless fun has become more of a nuisance. It has slowly become the need of every teenager, and they waste hours using this app. They do not realise that they could be utilising this time better by learning a skill, or gaining knowledge or anything else that could help them in the future. They could also spend their time helping somebody or playing sports, which would keep their mind and body healthy.

your friend :But it's used by everyone now.

you:Everyone is using it by imitating everyone.

your friend :You are right  By using this app we are involved in many indecent and non-social activities.  We're forgetting our limits.

you:Instead of focusing on their lives, and prioritising their careers and studies, they are getting addicted to these apps that add nothing of value to their thought process, and waste their time.

your friend :I will not use this app any more.  I can understand.  Thank you very much.

you:you will use it, but keep the limits.

your friend : ok thanks a lot.

(শরীর ভাল না বিশেষ, বানান ভুল হলে ক্ষমা করে দিয়েন)
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