a)                 (Truthful) is the greatest of all the virtues which make a person (b)                ( real ) great. The (c)                   (cultivate) of the habit of speaking the truth is a must for us. Otherwise, we cannot command the (d)                     (confident) of others. A (e)                   (lie) is hated and (f)                (honourred) by all, Nobody believes him, The man whom (g)               (body) believes can never be (h)              (fame) in life. It may be that we may succeed omce or twice by telling a lie, but it (i)                (ever) brings about any result. A lie never lies hidden.(j)            (day) or towmorrow it comes to light, then the real character of a liar is revealed and nobody believes him rather speaks ill of him.

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  1. Truthfulness 
  2. Really
  3. Cultivation 
  4. Confidence 
  5. Liar
  6. Dishonorued 
  7. Nobody
  8. Famous
  9. Never
  10. Today.
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