For, Of, With, At, By, On """ 1. We Live In A Flat.....The Third Floor. 2. Our Team Won.....Six Goals To There. 3. The Ring Is Made....Gold. 4. The Bus Stops For An Hour....Dhaka. 5. Yourth Is The Best Time.....Learning. 6. Her Eyes Are Red....Tears.
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Preposition গুলো নিম্নরূপ: 1. On 2.By 3.Of 4.At 5.For 6.With

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1. We Live In A Flat on The Third Floor. 2. Our Team Won by Six Goals To There. 3. The Ring Is Made of Gold. 4. The Bus Stops For An Hour at Dhaka. 5. Youth is The Best Time for Learning. 6. Her Eyes Are Red with Tears.

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