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Get present! Anxiety is stress about the future: what might happen, what you could feel, all the scariest stories you can come up with. If you know you’re uncomfortable in social situations, set the intention going in to stay mentally, emotionally, and physically present. Mentally, you can stay aware of your thoughts. It’s amazing how much less powerful a stressful thought becomes when you call it out as “a thought” instead of letting your brain run wild with it unchecked. Emotionally, you can stay non-judgmentally aware of your inner state. You can even notice that you feel the emotion of “anxious” if that’s true. When you notice it without judging it, you create space to allow it. Then the anxiety can come along for the ride without defining or overtaking you. And physically, you can stay aware of your body. Feel your feet on the floor, smell the scent of the air, and become connected to the physical experience of the present moment!

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