1) None can prosper in life without industry. (affirmative) 

2) Those who are idle, always log behind. (negative) 

3) We have to work hard to earn money and acquire knowledge. (interrogative) 

4) People say that hard working persons see the light of prosperity in life. (passive)

5) So, in the society women should work as much as men. ( comparative) 

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  1. Who can prosper in life without industry? 
  2. OR→ Everybody can prosper in life with industry.
  3. Those who are idle, never forge ahead.
  4. OR→ Those who are industrious, never lag behind.
  5. Mustn't we work hard to earn money and acquire knowledge?
  6.  It is said that hard working persons see the light of prosperity in life.
  7. So, in the society women should not work less than men.
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