Nitu presented a silver lamp to her mother on her birthday. The lamp contained 3. 011 × 1023 atoms of silver in it. What is the mass of silver lamp and the cost of it if 1 gm silver costs  60. 

Atomic mass of Ag = 108 u, N0 = 6.022 × 1023 per mole.

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Atomic mass of silver (Ag) = 108 u 

Since mass of 6.022 × 1023 atoms of silver (Ag) = 108 u 

Hence mass of 3.011 × 1023 atoms of silver (Ag) 

= 108×3.011×1023/ 6.022×1023 = 54 gm 

Cost of 1 gm silver = 60 

Therefore, cost of silver lamp = 60 × 54 = 3240

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