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Bell peppers prefer warmth. You should plant bell peppers in the warm season. By doing this, you can provide bell peppers with the right temperature and enough sunlight. Use mulch. Mulch will help absorb sunlight and keep the soil warmer for a more extended period, which will encourage bell peppers’ growth. Use a low-nitrogen fertilizer. This type of fertilizer will bring the best rate of production for bell peppers. Avoid pests. Bell peppers don’t like flea beetles and aphids. You can either use pesticides or stake them higher from the ground, away from those natural evil pests. Grow them with companion plants. Bell peppers can grow well around tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, corn, cucumbers, etc. but not cabbage-related or apricot-related plants (they will develop some fungal disease that will affect the lifecycle of the bell peppers).

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