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If you have parents who are verbally abusive, there are other problems within the family system that should be addressed through therapy. However, therapy does not change your responsibility to be honest about what happened, deal with the consequences, and create a plan to fix the situation if it’s possible. The goal is to separate losing the item from your parents’ verbal abuse. You can control your behavior and reaction, but you cannot control theirs. One way to help yourself in the situation is to have another trusted adult present when you tell them. Perhaps another family member, or someone who can advocate for you while diffusing your parents’ verbal abuse, acting as a mediator. Sometimes verbally abusive people are less likely to be so when other people are around, especially if it is someone they know and trust. Having a mediator present may help diffuse the initial reaction, but if your parents are verbally abusive to you after that person leaves, then that person can be someone you turn to for additional help.

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