I am a 33 year old man and suffer from premature ejaculation. This situation is threatening my relationship with my girlfriend. We have tried to solve the problem ourselves, but to no avail. Can anything be done medically?

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Premature ejaculation is a common problem, but many men do not complain for fear of being ridiculed by their doctor. This should not be the case, as GPs see a large number of sexual problems, and are used to dealing with them. There is no medicine, drug or device that can help this problem, but there are techniques available that are very effective in teaching the partners in a relationship how to cope. Premature ejaculation certainly requires the cooperation of the female partner, and without this cooperation, treatment is doomed to failure. One technique is called ' the squeeze method' . At any time after an erection is present, before or during intercourse, if the man feels he is about to ejaculate, he gives a signal to his partner, by word or touch, and she then immediately uses her forefinger and thumb to squeeze the penis firmly just below the glans (head) until the erection starts to subside slightly. Intercourse or sexual stimulation can then start again until the urge to ejaculate is felt, when the technique is once more applied immediately. There are other similar techniques advocated by different sex therapists, and you should discuss referral to a specialist in this area if your problem persists.

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