Is there any treatment for stretch marks? I am covered with them from my legs to my upper arms, which greatly limits what I can wear. I am willing to do anything!

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The simple answer to your question is unfortunately no. There is no effective treatment for stretch marks, particularly when they are severe. On the other hand, some unconfirmed research by a limited number of doctors in the United States indicates that a cream called Retin A may reduce the severity of stretch marks, but not remove them entirely. Regular use for six months is required, and extreme care is necessary when first using the cream as some people react adversely to it. Retin A is available from chemists without prescription. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to prevent stretch marks either, and the expensive creams promoted by some cosmetic companies are next to useless. The tendency is one that you will inherit from your parents, and if your mother, aunts or grandmothers had bad stretch marks with pregnancy, your chance of developing the same problem is considerably increased. Possibly you should consider living in a cold climate where revealing sun dresses and bikinis give way to the all-covering wool suit and heavy coat.

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SK Masud


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