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You need to supplement 15mg of zinc every day and ensure a good intake of essential fats. Both are needed to help skin and muscle cells strengthen and repair. The best way is to buy a glass jar, fill it half with flax seeds, half with sesame/sunflower/pumpkin seeds and keep it in the fridge. Every day grind some in a coffee grinder and have a tablespoon on your cereal, or sprinkle them on soups or salads or add to fruit smoothies. I' d also recommend taking a supplement providing the essential omegas GLA, EPA and DHA Ideally take 300mg of EPA, 200mg of DHA and 100mg of GLA a day.

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ল ফার্মিয়ন কণার আবিষ্কারক এম জাহিদ হাসান।

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