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Acne rosacea is a rather mysterious but quite common condition which usually affects people between the ages of 30 and 50. Acne-like eruptions of red spots appear on the face, and particularly the cheeks. The cheeks then become very red as the capillaries there fill with blood.

To strengthen fragile capillaries, make sure you' re taking in plenty of bioflavonoids; eat lots of red and purple fruits and vegetables, especially berries, and take a 1g vitamin C supplement containing at least 250mg of bioflavonoids or an equivalent amount of berry extracts. Inadequate digestive enzymes and low stomach acid (hydrochloric acid, or HCl) have also been linked to acne rosacea, as has a lack of the fat-digesting enzyme lipase. Many sufferers find supplementing these enzymes with their main meals helps. (See Resources, page 483.) As the condition has been linked to B vitamin deficiency, take a high strength B complex providing 100mg of the full range of Bs. It' s also a good idea to avoid too many alcoholic or hot drinks and spicy foods, as these can all aggravate the condition. And as alcohol-based skincare products can do the same, choose the purest, simplest facial creams you can find.

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