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Pimples are infected oil glands in the skin. Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is designed to kill the bacteria that infect the pimples, and thereby cure them. If you are finding it successful, then continue the treatment. If your pimples are still bad, you should see your doctor about using other preparations on the skin, and antibiotics or anti-acne drugs by mouth to keep the condition under control. Acne scars are often a deep red colour when the pimple initially subsides, but after a period of months or years, they gradually fade to a pale pink or dead white colour. These scars are unfortunately permanent, as are scars on any other part of the body. Once you have grown out of your acne, and no further skin infections are occurring, you can see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to have one of a number of procedures performed to make the scars less obvious. Dermabrasion, in which the lumps and bumps on your face arc reduced, is quite successful if the scarring is widespread.

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