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The first condition that comes to mind is head lice, but there are many more possibilities including fungal infections of the scalp, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies and nerve rashes. Head lice are almost impossible to see with the naked eye, but can cause considerable irritation from their bites. They are easily spread from one person to another by close contact or sharing combs, brushes, caps etc. A number of preparations are available from chemists to treat this condition, but if after using one of them a couple of times the problem persists, you should consult your doctor. Diprosone will ease inflammation of the scalp, but it will not cure infections or infestations of any sort.

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কোন বৃত্তস্থ চতুর্ভুজের (যে চতুর্ভুজ একটি বৃত্তের অন্তঃস্থ) চার বাহুর দৈর্ঘ্য প্রদত্ত থাকলে  ব্রহ্মগুপ্তের সূত্র ব্যবহার করে তার ক্ষেত্রফল নির্ণয় করা যায়।

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