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Almost certainly you have an allergy to strawberries. It is possible to become allergic to almost anything. Animal hair, flowers, dust, foods, drugs, materials, grasses, fish and even other people can sometimes cause allergic reactions in an individual. Protein molecules from these substances are inhaled, touched or eaten and are recognized as foreign by the defense cells of the body. They engulf and destroy the foreign protein, but in the process, a small number of cells are manufactured that remember that foreign molecule, and the next time it enters the body, the defense cells are ready for it, and can destroy it more rapidly. This memory may last life-long. 

Allergies occur when this reaction is inappropriate or excessive. Most people can eat strawberries without harm, but your body has recognized one of the molecules in strawberries as harmful, and whenever it is encountered, it reacts violently. When the defense cells react excessively, a substance known as histamine is released into the tissues. This causes swelling, itchiness and secretion of mucus. Thus your lips swell up and become itchy. In other people the eyes, nose or other tissues may swell up, and your nose may water. Treatment is by antihistamine tablets or a series of desensitizing injections.

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