"An email to the manager of a publication to supply you some books." - এই ই-মেইলটি আমাকে লিখে দিলে খুব উপকৃত হব । লিখে দিতে পারবেন কি?
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To:----------------------------- subject: An order for supply books. Dear Sir, I the owner of Shuvo Book Shop would like to draw your attention to inform that the samples story book named 'Nil desh O lal desh er rupkotha' you sent one week ago have been received by our official time. But the story books stock is over. Could you please send some more story books wich will be able to meet the demand of buyers. l, therefor, hope that you woud do everything in this regards and oblige me thereb. Regards Shafiul Gani Owner, Shuvo Books Shop, Dhaka

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