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An online doctor consultation, also known as an online medical consultation, is a remote consultation with a licensed healthcare professional conducted via the internet. It allows individuals to access healthcare services from the comfort of their own homes, without the need to visit a doctor's office or hospital.

During an online doctor consultation, the healthcare professional and patient communicate through a variety of mediums such as text, audio, or video. The doctor may ask questions about the patient's symptoms and medical history, conduct a physical examination via video call or recommend laboratory or imaging tests to make a diagnosis.

Once the diagnosis is made, the healthcare professional can provide medical advice, prescribe medication, and refer the patient to a specialist if necessary. Some online doctor consultation services may also offer follow-up appointments or ongoing care for chronic conditions.

It's important to note that not all medical conditions can be diagnosed and treated online, and in some cases, an in-person visit may be necessary. However, online doctor consultations can be a convenient and accessible option for many individuals seeking medical advice and treatment. It's also essential to choose a reputable and secure healthcare provider to ensure that you receive accurate information and treatment.

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