Shobo’s mother’s present age is six times Shobo’s present age. Shobo’s age five years from now will be one third of his mother’s present age. What are their present age?

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At present,

Shobo's age = x years

His mother's age = 6 times of 

Shobo's age

= 6x years

Five years from now 

Shobo's age = ( x + 5 ) years

According to the problem given,

x + 5 = one by third of his mother's

present age

x + 5 = 6x / 3 

x + 5 = 2x 

5 = 2x - x 

5 = x

Therefore ,

Shobo's present age = x = 5 years

His mother's age = 6x 

= 6 × 5

= 30 years

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