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You can try a simple vinegar solution to see if that does the trick. Vinegar is a natural cleaner that works like a mild bleach and can be used to clean many types of materials, including paper. Start by mixing 1⁄2 c (120 ml) of white vinegar and 1⁄2 c (120 ml) of plain water in a cup or bowl. Lay the affected piece of paper out flat on a hard, waterproof surface. Flatten it out as much as possible. You can place heavy objects on the corners to stretch it out and keep it flat and stable. Gently and carefully dab the oil stain with the moistened cotton ball or swab. Be careful not to use too much of the cleaning solution as you could damage the paper you are cleaning if it gets too wet. Then, dry the cleaned area by dabbing it with a dry paper towel and letting it air dry. Once the spot is completely dry you can see if the stain was completely removed. If there is still an oil stain, repeat the process to remove as much of it as possible

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