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Be direct. If someone is flirting with you, making innuendos, or asking you out, state directly that this is something that makes you feel uncomfortable and you would kindly like it to stop. Use your manners. Just because you are irritated or uncomfortable doesn’t mean your good manners have to go the wayside. Tell them something nice about themselves, notice something good about them, and always use your please and thank-yous. Be firm. If the person has a hard time hearing you say no, be firm and resolute. You really only need to say it once. Make your statement definitive: “I am saying no and this is my final answer” is one example. Set boundaries. If you feel that the message still isn’t coming across it is time to set a boundary. Politely state you would like no further contact and that you are ending the conversation and walk away. If you must see the person again, state that you will not have this discussion again and ask the person to respect your wishes. Then get the heck out of there!

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