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A tension rod is a great way to put up curtains without having to drill or nail anything! Tension rods have a spring mechanism inside of them that creates tension when the ends of the rod are pressed against a window frame. If the rod is too short, there won't be enough tension, and if the rod is too long, there will be too much tension. Tension rods generally list a window size range on the packaging, so look for one that will work based on the width of your window. Measure one side of your window to the other starting at the inner edge of the window frame. That'll give you accurate measurements to make sure you get the right-sized rod. Adjust the tension rod so it's slightly longer than the width of your window, then insert the rod into the window frame and mark where each end is. You can then take the rod out, slide your curtains over the rod, and then install it in the window frame.

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