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Oftentimes, cleaning off any dust or debris that may be stuck on the disc is enough to get it working again. The best thing to use is a microfiber cloth. You could also use a lens cloth designed for eye glasses. Other types of cloth, including paper towels and clothing, are more likely to scratch the disc, so don't try to use your shirt. Hold onto the edges of the disc, turning it so the reflective side is facing up. Starting in the center, move the cloth in a straight line toward the edges. Continue working around the disc until you've wiped the entire surface. Be careful not to leave any dust or fingerprints. Never wipe in a circle or you could actually damage the disc. If the disc is very dirty, mix equal parts of water and isopropyl alcohol. Dampen a microfiber cloth in it, then wipe the disc from the center to the edges until it looks clean. You could also use lens or disc cleaning wipes, which are basically microfiber pads with a special cleaning solution made with isopropyl alcohol.

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