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Here are some suggestions: Mud Turtles are a common type of turtle usually grows to be about 4 to 5 inches long. Musk Turtles grow to about 3 to 4 inches. Musk turtles make great pets and are good for owners new to raising turtles. Spotted Turtles reach size of 3.5 to 5 inches. 55-gallon tank and ideal environments are 50% water and 50% land and basking log. Diamond Back Terrapins are probably not the best for inexperienced owners because they have fungal infections and carapace diseases so they require a bit more care. They need a larger tank ~70 gallons. Reeve’s Turtles (males) -- you have to check their shell often as this type of turtle has many shell diseases. Up to 5 inches.

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