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একটি প্রফেশনাল এন্ড্রোয়েড এপ ডেভলপ করতে নিজের বিষয়গুলি জানতে হবে।

ধাপ - ১:
- Android Versions
- Stack 
- Linux
- Native Libraries
- Dalvik
- App Framework
- Applications

ধাপ - ২:
- SDK Installation
- Emulator 

ধাপ - ৩:
- Blocks Overview
- Activities
- Intents
- Services
- Content Providers
- Broadcast Receivers
- Application Context

ধাপ - ৪:
- Basic Data types
- Iteration
- Collections
- Exception
- Generics
- Anonymous type

ধাপ - ৫:
- Class and object
- Field and method
- Association relationship
- Inheritance Relationship
- Runtime polymorphism
- Static, final static
- Interface

ধাপ - ৬:
- Activity Lifecycle
- Views and Layouts
- UI Widgets
- Activities and Dialogs
- Fragments and ActionBar
- UI Design Pattern
- UI Reusability
- App localization

ধাপ - ৭: 
- SQLite

ধাপ - ৮: 
- Preferences, File System, Options Menu
- Preferences
- Options Menu
- Shared Preferences
- File System, Explained

ধাপ - ৯: 
- Location API
- Fused Location API
- Maps API
- Drawing over Maps
- Telephony API
- Retrieving telephony network info
- Accessing phone call states
- Sensor API

ধাপ - ১০: 
- Accelerometer
- Proximity
- Example usage

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App