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Human trafficking is the fastest increasing criminal industry in todays world, coming in second after illegal drug-trade. This type of slaver has been traced back to the ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean civilization and has continued to grow. What is human trafficking? Commonly referred to as "modern- day slavery" is the illegal trade of human beings for forced labor or for exploitation. Exploitation referring to the using others for prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery, or the removal of organs. Woman and young children living in poverty are the ones who usually fall in the trap of the traffickers. Due to poverty many woman are not educated and are no employed leaving them with no choice but to sell their bodies to provide for their families. Not many woman and children know the risks they are taking when they have no choice but to sell their bodies. Government all over the world should be providing information on human trafficking because no nation is immune from this crime

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Human trafficking is just another name for modern-day slavery, wherein the victims involved are forced, coerced and deceived into labour and sexual exploitation. Most human trafficking victims are actually duped into the trade by the false promises made regarding job opportunities. Many women from third world countries are lured into this trade with the bait of false marriages. Many of the victims are forced either directly with violence or indirectly with psychological blackmail into the trade. Once they enter the countries of trade their passports are confiscated and with no money, no shelter, and no one to turn to they are left at the mercy of those who trade in human flesh. The people must become the eyes and the arms of the government and make this crusade their own cause. Then and only then will we see an end to human trafficking.

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