আমার কাছে এই গল্পটি নেই, দয়া করে প্রশ্নটি পাওয়ার সাথে সাথে আমার উত্তরটি সঠিকভাবে দিবেন, কারণ আগামীদিন ০১-১০-২০১৫ আমার পরীক্ষা এবং আমাকে এটা শিখতে হবে ৷
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                            Obedience to mother

At once night, the boy Boyazid was busy with studies. His ailling mother was sleeping.suddenly she woke up and asked Bayazid to give her a glass of water.But he found no water in the pitcher.so he went to a distant place to bring water.He came back with water and found his mother asleep.He did not awake her.H was waiting for his mother’s awaking. When it was dawn, Bayazid’s mother awoke.She found her som standing by her bed with a glass of water in his hand.She then realized the fact.She embraced her son and blessed him

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