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Voice change: Voice: Verb বা ক্রিয়ার যে রুপ (form) তার subject সক্রিয় (active) না নিষ্ক্রিয় (passive) তা নির্দেশ করে তাকে voice বলে। Voice দুই প্রকার : 1. Active voice: Subject নিজে সক্রিয় হয়ে কোন কাজ সম্পন্ন করলে তাকে active voice বলে। 2. Passive voice: Subject নিজে সক্রিয় হয়ে কোন কাজ সম্পন্ন না করে নিষ্ক্রিয় অবস্থায় থেকে অন্যকে দিয়ে সম্পন্ন করে এর ফল ভোগ করে এরুপ বুঝালে তখন তাকে passive voice বলে। Active to Passive Voice change এর কাজ পাঁচটিঃ 1. Object এর Subject 2. Auxiliary Verb 3. Verb এর Past Participle 4. Pre-position By 5. Subject এর Object Sub/Obj চিনার উপায়ঃ *Sub: কে/কারা a. We are playing football. *Obj: কি/কাকে b. He reads the book. Auxiliary verb: *am/is/are/was/ were/shall be/ will be = being *have/has/had/shall have/will have = been *shall/should/will/would/can/may/might/must/ ought to/used to/ going to = be * Verb present form = am/is/are * Verb past form = was/were নিম্নোক্ত Verb গুলের পরে by বসেনা। know - to Annoy - with/at Surprise - with/at Satisfy- with Contain - in Shock - with/at Marvel - in Embody - in Fill with Please - with/at Cover - with Astonish - at Interest - in Sub Obj Sub Obj I - Me He - Him They - Them We - us You - you She - Her It - It Talha - Talha Passive to Active am/is/are = verb present form Was/were = verb past form Being = verb+ing Been = verb past participle Be = verb present form/base form Exercise - J.S.C a. We should practise it. (Passive) Din. B-18 = b. People of all ages like this game. (passive) B.B-19 = c. The weak students are always helped by them.(Active) Syl. B-18 = Exercise-S.S.C a. He loved the people cordially. (passive) CH.B-19 = b. She is respected by everybody. (Active) D.B-17 = #= One, Someone, Somebody, Anyone, None, We, They, People, Circumstance, etc. c. He is called a friend of humanity. (Active) J.B-15 = d. Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active) R.B-15 = Exercise – H.S.C a. People called him wise solomon. (Passive). J-B-17 = b. My watch was lost. (Active). R.B-19 = c. The building was made with fine white marbles. (Active). S.B-16 =

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