A dialogue between two friends about the uses and abuses of television. খাতায় লেখলে ২-৩ পেজ হবে এরকম লিখবেন । অনুগ্রহ করে ইন্টারনেট/কোন বই থেকে সম্পূর্ণ কপি করবেন না।
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This is a conversation/dialouge between two friends Zafi and Zarif about the uses and abuses of tv . Zafi: Hello, Zarif. How are you? Zarif: I am fine and what about you? Zafi: I am fine too. It is long time since I met you last. Zarif: hey dude, it gonna rain heavily tonight . did u see weather forecast on tv today?  Zafi: no, i couldn't see the news as i was a little busy .  Zarif: its ok  Zafi: hey could u say some advantages and disadvantages of tv. Zarif: ya , sure. Zarif : disadvantages : It causes brain tumor, genetic damage and many other incurable diseases. It is especially hazardous for the children if they watch for long hours. Zarif: advantages : Moreover, it is helping in by watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking news around the world.  Zafi: You are right. They are approaching positive and negative way. Zarif: It is high time we saved them from their moral degradation. Zafi: Yes. Thank you so much. Good bye now. Zarif: i am glad i told u  Zarif:  Good bye.

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