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Some DVD cases can be trickier to access than others. Fortunately, you can usually get the DVD out without too much trouble. Use 2 screwdrivers and stick them into both lock tabs near the locking bar. There are 2 small holes on the front and back cases about 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) down from the locking bar. You can access the lock tabs through these small holes. Then, take another screwdriver and poke the red lock icon in the middle of the locking bar. With your screwdriver pressed against the plastic, slide the red lock to the right until it becomes the green unlocked icon. Once you have moved the lock icon, you no longer need your screwdrivers. Take them out and set them aside. Then, holding the front case with one hand and the back case with another, open the DVD from the locking bar.

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