শেয়ার করুন বন্ধুর সাথে
Dr. Shoyeb


The recommended starting dose of Insulin Glargine in patients with type 1 diabetes should be approximately one-third of the total daily insulin requirements. Short-acting, premeal insulin should be used to satisfy the remainder of the daily insulin requirements.

The recommended starting dose of Insulin Glargine in patients with type 2 diabetes who are not currently treated with insulin is 10 units (or 0.2 Units/kg) once daily, which should subsequently be adjusted to the patient’s needs.

The dose of Insulin Glargine should be adjusted according to blood glucose measurements. The dosage of Insulin Glargine should be individualized under the supervision of a healthcare provider in accordance with the needs of the patient.

Do not dilute or mix with any other insulin or solution. Do not administer subcutaneously via an Insuliln pump or intravenously because severe hypoglycemia can occur. Do not share reusable or disposable insulin glargine devices or needles between patients.

Use in Renal/ Hepatic impairment: Reduction in the insulin glargine doses may be required in these cases.


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