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Dr. Shoyeb


Econazole: All fungal skin infections due to dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds and other fungi. These include Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis, Candidial napkin rash, and other candidial infection, Ringworm (tinea) infections, Athlete's foot, Paronychia, Pityriasis versicolor and Balanitis. 

Econazole-G: Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis or any other fungal infection of vagina.

Econazole VT: Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis or any other fungal infection of vagina.

For the treatment of onychomycosis, local therapy with Econazole cream, combined with an oral antimycotic, is recommended.

Econate-G Vaginal Cream সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জেনে নিন এই লিঙ্ক থেকে Econate-G

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