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Dr. Shoyeb


Econazole: All fungal skin infections due to dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds and other fungi. These include Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis, Candidial napkin rash, and other candidial infection, Ringworm (tinea) infections, Athlete's foot, Paronychia, Pityriasis versicolor and Balanitis. 

Econazole-G: Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis or any other fungal infection of vagina.

Econazole VT: Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis or any other fungal infection of vagina.

For the treatment of onychomycosis, local therapy with Econazole cream, combined with an oral antimycotic, is recommended.

Ecoren VT Vaginal Tablet সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জেনে নিন এই লিঙ্ক থেকে Ecoren VT

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