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The Four Framework Approach to Organizational Behavior, introduced by Bolman and Deal, provides different perspectives or lenses through which organizational behavior can be understood. Each framework represents a distinct organizational behavior model:

1. Supportive Model:

Focus: This model emphasizes a focus on the needs and well-being of employees. Supportive leaders create a positive work environment by fostering trust, collaboration, and open communication.
Leadership Style: Supportive leaders act as mentors and facilitators, encouraging employee development and empowerment. They value relationships and teamwork, promoting a sense of community within the organization.
Employee Relationships: Employees are viewed as valuable assets. Their contributions and ideas are respected, leading to higher job satisfaction and motivation.
2. Custodial Model:

Focus: The custodial model emphasizes providing economic security and benefits to employees in exchange for their loyalty and commitment to the organization.
Leadership Style: Leaders in this model act as economic resources, ensuring employees' well-being through financial rewards, benefits, and job security. Control is maintained through the provision of attractive employment conditions.
Employee Relationships: Employees rely on the organization for financial security. There is a sense of dependency, and employees are motivated by the rewards and benefits they receive.
3. Autocratic Model:

Focus: The autocratic model centers around hierarchical control and strict authority within the organization. Decisions are made at the top and passed down through the chain of command.
Leadership Style: Leaders exercise command and control. They make decisions without significant input from employees and expect strict adherence to policies and procedures.
Employee Relationships: Employees have limited autonomy and are expected to follow orders and rules without questioning authority. Communication tends to be one-way, flowing downward from management.
4. Collegial Model:

Focus: The collegial model emphasizes a partnership between management and employees. It promotes collaboration, mutual respect, and shared goals.
Leadership Style: Leaders act as facilitators, encouraging teamwork, collaboration, and active participation from employees. Decision-making is participative and inclusive.
Employee Relationships: Employees are seen as partners in the organization's success. There is a sense of camaraderie, trust, and shared responsibility, leading to high levels of employee engagement and commitment.
Each of these models represents a different approach to managing organizational behavior, and organizations may adopt elements from multiple models based on their unique needs, culture, and goals.

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