4 tables and 3 chairs, together, cost Rs 2,250 and 3 tables and 4 chairs cost Rs 1950. Find the cost of 2 chairs and 1 table.

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Let the cost of 1 table be ‘a’ and cost of 1 chair be ‘b’.


4 tables and 3 chairs, together, cost Rs 2,250 and 3 tables and 4 chairs cost Rs 1950.

⇒ 4a + 3b = 2250 -------- (1)


3a + 4b = 1950 --------- (2)

Multiplying eq1 by 3 and eq2 by 4 and subtracting eq2 from eq1.

⇒ 12a + 9b – 12a – 16b = 6750 – 7800

⇒ 7b = 1050

⇒ b = 150

Substituting ‘b’ in eq1

⇒ 4a + 450 = 2250

⇒ a = Rs. 450

Cost of 2 chair and 1 table = 2b + a = Rs. 750

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