The cost of a T.V with VAT 5% is ₹ 26,250 then the cost of that T.V is

A) ₹ 21,000 

B) ₹ 52,000 

C) ₹ 25,000

D) ₹ 16,000

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Correct option is  C) ₹ 25,000

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Correct option is (C) ₹ 25,000

Let the cost of T.V. is Rs x.

Value (cost) after VAT = Rs(x + 5% of x)


\(Rs(x+\frac x{20})\)


\(\therefore\frac{21x}{20}\) = 26250  (Given)

\(\Rightarrow\) x = 26250 \(\times\frac{20}{21}=1250\times20\) = 25000

\(\therefore\) The cost of the T.V. is Rs 25000.

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