The age of Rani’s father was 49 years and he was 4 years more than 3 times the age of Rani, then what is the age of Rani ? 

A) 16 years 

B) 15 years 

C) 9 years 

D) 10 years

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Correct option is  B) 15 years

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Correct option is (B) 15 years

Let the age of Rani is x years.

Then the age of Rani’s father = 3x+4

\(\therefore\) 3x+4 = 49  \((\because\) Given that the age of Rani’s father is 49 years)

\(\Rightarrow\) 3x = 49 - 4 = 45

\(\Rightarrow\) \(x=\frac{45}3=15.\)

Hence, the age of Rani is 15 years.

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