The field of design for fabric and apparel has expanded and become so vast that it can actually be considered as two specializations. Reena has done a certificate programme from a recognised institute in this field. She wants to open up a fashion house. 

a. She wants to create a unique design in a frock for a six-yearold girl. Explain with the help of diagram two ways of creating rhythm in it. 

b. She is designing a gent’s kurta for a person with heavy arms. In what two ways she is going to shift the emphasis away from the arms. Support your answer with the help of suitable diagrams.

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Two ways of creating rhythm

1.Repetition of laces, colour, embroidery, etc 

2.Cordation by gradual increase or decrease in size of motifs, lines, buttons, etc. 

Two ways of shifting the emphasis away from the arms

1. Placement of decorations on waist, etc. 

2.Use of Contrasting colours on neckline, etc.

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