Aman, a freelance web site developer, has been assigned a task to design few web pages for a book shop. Help Aman in deciding out of static web page and dynamic web page, what kind of web pages should be designed by clearly differentiating between static and dynamic web pages on at least two points. 


Priyanka, a beginner in IT field has just started learning web technologies. Help her in understanding the difference between website and web pages with the help of a suitable general example of each.

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Differentiation between static and dynamic web pages:

Static Web page Dynamic Web page
1. Content of this type of webpage cannot be changed at run time. 1. Content of this type of webpage can be changed at run time.
2. No interaction with server’s database is possible in case of static web pages. 2. Interaction with server’s database is possible in case of dynamic web pages.


The difference between a website and a web page is that a website is a collection of different web pages containing information on a particular topic. A web page is an individual page of a big website usually containing more specific information. If we compare a website with a book, then a webpage can be compared with a single page of that book.

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