What is the distance between Na+ and Cl- in a NaCl crystal if its density is 2.165 g cm-3? NaCl crystallizes in fcc lattice.

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M is the molecular mass of NaCl crystal. And N is the Avogadro's number of atoms.
Since there are 2N ions in one gram molecule,
The mass associated with each ion = M/2N
pd3 = M/2N
d = [M/2N x p]1/3
Here M = 58.5 g = 58.5 X10-3 kg
N = 6.023x1023
p= 2.165 g/cm3 = 2.165x10-3 kg.m-3
d = [58.5 X10-3/6.023x1023 x 2.165x10-3]1/3
d = 2.814 x10-10 m

Distance d = 281.4 pm

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