Describe the process of fertilization in human beings.

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Fertilization involves the fusion of the male and the female gamete. The male and the female gametes are released from the male and the female reproductive organs. Sperms or male gametes are released from the male reproductive organ i.e., the penis. These sperms then enter the female body through the vagina. Then, they travel through the fallopian tubes where they meet the eggs. Hence, the process of fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes. During fertilization, the haploid nucleus of the sperm and that of the ovum fuse with each other to form the zygote. This zygote divides to form an embryo which in turn develops into a foetus.


A biological process in which the fusion of the male and the female gamete occurs is called fertilization. The sperms are released from the male reproductive organ called the penis. The sperm enters the female body through one of the parts of her reproductive organ called the vagina. Then the sperm travels through the fallopian tubes and meets the egg produced by the female organs. The process of fertilization takes place in fallopian tubes.