Bacteria have a simpler body plan when compared with human beings. Does it mean that human beings are more evolved than bacteria? Provide a suitable explanation.

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This is a debatable issue. If appearance of complexity is concurrent with evolution then, human beings are certainly more evolved than bacteria. But if we take the totality of life characteristics into account, then it is hard to label either organism as evolved.

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Bacteria have simpler body plan when compared with human beings. Both of them have  evolved differently. Bacteria can inhabit most of the unfavourable habitats such as hot springs,  deep- sea thermal vents and the ice in Antarctica.

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  • This is an issue of debate. It depends on the way we evaluate evolution. 
  • If complexity of the body is a parameter then Human are far superior than bacteria. 
  • Bacteria has cellular level of organization and humans have organ level organization. 
  • On the other hand if we consider the ability of survival bacteria have evolved more than human beings. 
  • Humans can live in any environment but with artificial protection. 
  • Humans cannot live in harsher climate whereas bacteria can be found anywhere on earth. 
  • They can survive even harsh climates such as 
  • Hydrothermal vents, sulphur springs.

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