1. B.P = (Wl × 2πN)/60 watts
  2. B.P = [(W - S) πDN]/60 watts
  3. B.P = [(W - S) π (D + d) N]/60 watts
  4. All of these

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Answer: Option 4

The brake power (B.P.) of the engine is given by -B.P = (Wl × 2πN)/60 watts -B.P = [(W - S) πDN]/60 watts - B.P = [(W - S) π (D + d) N]/60 watts where W = Brake load or dead load in newtons, l = Length of arm in meters, N = Speed of engine in r.p.m., S = Spring balance reading in newtons, D = Dia. of brake drum in meters, and d = Dia. of rope in meters

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