1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
  2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
  3. Either I or II is sufficient
  4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
  5. Both I and II are sufficient

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Answer: Option 3

I. In 'right or wrong' and 'he is right', the common word is 'right' and the common code word is 'nik'. So 'nik' means 'right'. In 'right or wrong' and 'that is wrong', the common word is 'wrong' and the common code word is 'te'. So, 'te' means 'wrong'. Thus, in 'right or wrong', 'sa' is the code for 'or'. II. In 'that right man' and 'this or that', the common word is 'that' and the common code word is 'pa'. So, 'pa' means 'that'. In 'this or that' and 'tell this there', the common word is 'this' and the common code word is 'ne'. So, 'ne' means 'this'. Thus, in 'this or that', 'sa' is the code for 'or'.

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