I am a 52 year old man, and have noticed blood in my urine after intercourse. It occurs at no other time, and all sorts of urine, blood and X-ray tests by my doctor are normal. I am otherwise fit and well. What could cause this problem?

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This is an uncommon problem, but almost invariably it is not serious. Tests should be performed on the urine to detect any possible infection, blood tests can be performed to exclude prostate disease and clotting disorders, and sometimes X-rays of the kidneys and bladder may be done. If the problem persists, referral to a urologist for cystoscopy is appropriate, but in nearly all cases, all these tests are negative. All the patient requires is a large dose of reassurance, even if the problem persists. The bleeding is caused by microscopic injuries to the penis and sperm sacs during sex, and does not interfere with the man' s performance or fertility. It is a problem that is more common after middle age, and in men who have sex infrequently.

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