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Your skin normally produces a substance called sebum. Some people, however, produce an excess, which usually causes very oily skin. Although this can be hereditary, it' s also affected by diet and hormone balance.

Diet-wise, reduce saturated fats, mainly from meat and milk products. These fats can interfere with the body' s processing of the important essential fats found in oily fish, fresh nuts and seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower. I also recommend supplementing flax seed oil - 1,000mg, twice a day. And it' s important to reduce your intake of sugary foods such as sweets, chocolate, desserts and biscuits, and sugar in drinks such as coffee, tea or fizzy drinks, because sugar feeds infections.

People with oily skin can also be tempted to Over clean their skin, but this only stimulates more oil production. It' s best to get the advice of a skincare professional about what is best for your skin.

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