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The spots you are describing, popularly called liver spots, are pigmentary changes associated with older skin due to oxidant damage to tissue. These are extremely common in those over 40. They can be brought on by ageing, exposure to sun or other forms of ultraviolet light. Antioxidant supplements can help to stop new ones from appearing, and applying vitamin E oil (cut open a capsule and smear the oil on the spot) can help to fade them, but will not eliminate them completely.

Your liver could also do with some support, as these spots can be a sign that it' s not coping with its detoxification load. The liver is the primary organ in the body for disarming harmful oxidants. So eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, organic if possible (especially broccoli, - cabbage, onions, garlic and kale), drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily, have fibre-rich foods such as beans and whole grains such as brown rice, oats and rye bread. Vitamin C (2g a day) and the herbs milk thistle and artichoke also give your liver a boost.

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