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There are hundreds of causes of itchy skin, with and without a rash. You do not mention a rash, and I will therefore assume that you do not have one. The common causes of this problem include stress reactions, excessively dry skin from using soap, allergies, liver failure, leukaemia, thyroid gland abnormalities, anaemia, kidney failure, fibreglass exposure, several types of cancer, diabetes, drugs and poisoning. As you can see from this far from complete list, the causes vary from the mild to the very severe. After ten years, it is unlikely that one of the severe causes is responsible, as other symptoms should have developed. Nevertheless, you should be thoroughly investigated by the appropriate blood and urine tests to exclude any possible cause for your constant itching. If no cause is found, it is possible to use anti-itch creams when appropriate, but when large areas are involved, this is impractical. Anti-itch tablets such as Dilosyn can then be used to control the problem, but these can cause drowsiness in some people. Discuss the matter further with your GP, and if necessary request a referral to a dermatologist for a more detailed examination.

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SK Masud


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