এটা নিয়ে সংক্ষিপ্ত একটি আর্টিকেল লিখে দিন নিজে থেকে। কপি করা চলবে না।নিচের বিষয়গুলো এর মধ্যে অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকতে হবে।

  • Health : Medical Equipment, Medical Treatment,Online Medical Treatment etc.
  • Construction : Bridge, Road, Lift, Advanced Building etc.

এই বিষয়বস্তুগুলো এর বাইরে কিছু লিখবেন না । 

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Modern civilization has been built around technology and with its help civilization will be more prosperous in the future. The health sector covers a large part of the impact of technology on modern civilization.
Significant contributions to the development of modern civilization in the field of health are health equipment, healthcare and online medical treatment.
The use of technology in the manufacture of health equipment has resulted in the creation of all the more sophisticated health equipment which has made the diagnostic process more transparent, faster and more successful than ever.
The use of technology has also accelerated all other aspects of medical treatment. Extensive use of technology in the field of medical treatment has made it possible to provide services to many patients in many places in a very short time. Communication between doctor and patient has increased and many of the patients ’suffering have come to an end.
One of the major contributions of technology to healthcare is online medical treatment. At this time of the epidemic, online medical treatment has contributed the most to solving human health problems. It also saves people time and ensures healthcare in emergency situations.
And these significant contributions of technology in the field of health have played a very important role in the development of modern civilization. Another major contribution of technology in the development of modern civilization can be seen in the field of construction.
Some of the significant contributions of the construction sector to the development of modern civilization are the bridge, road, lift, modern building Etc. These have solved many of our problems. Some of the notable solutions are: solve of traffic congestion problems, solve of housing problems in a populous world, getting from one place to another quickly, Reduction the effort of elevation Etc. These have made our lives easier and taken the development of modern civilization to another level.
Therefore, the use of technology has played a very important role in the development of modern civilization.

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