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"Unity is the strength"them of the poem.

It is enjoyable to them.

They are happy with the group as parts of the body.

They are able to protect anything dangerous.

They lead a safe life and journey.

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App


Hold my hand
let me tattoo
all the creases
and Lines
and Spaces
between your fingers
into mines.

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App


When I meet her

she is beautiful in the light

the light behind her

shining  so I can only see her silhouette

her silhouette holding  my hand

the two of us holding hands like

we had never been separated

never seen death through tearing her

from my womb

without asking her what she thought

or if she would rather stay

stay with me

and still, she holds me

holds onto me like love remains

and I am surely falling

falling when she turns her face to me

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App