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Tree plantation means planting saplings beside houses and in the reads and fallow lands Tree plantation is very important for our survival on earth.trees help us in many ways,Trees supply us oxygen without which we cannot live.they give us timber,food,shelter and medicine.they save the houses from cyclone and storms.They help to cause rain.They prevent a region from becoming a desert.trees maintain ecological balance.Our environment is heading towards a disaster because of deforestation.World temperatures are decreasing day by day. Trees take carbon dioxide,produce oxygen and prevent air pollution.They provide habitats to the birds and wild animals.If there are no trees in our forests.there will be less rainfall in the country.The climate will be hot.The rainy season and autumn are the best time for tree plantation.We can plant trees beside our houses.along road sdides and railway lines and the mountain slopes,We should make the people conscious of the importance of tree plantation. Every man should plant at least one sapling.people should be given saplings at a low price.only then tree plantation programme will be succesful

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                  Tree Plantation

Tree Plantation means to plant trees in a fixed or different areas to produce wood. The importance of tree plantation can not be ignored any more. Through tree plantation our environment remains balanced properly. Natural calamities can not occur unexpectedly. Our demand of food is met up. Oxygen is properly balanced in air. The most important thing is that ecological balance remains fit for the betterment of the maintenance of humans and animals and plants as well. If trees are not planted, we can not get food, oxygen and different kinds of needful elements from the trees. So, there is a close relationship in between trees and humans. If there had been no trees, the environment would have lost balance. Floods and drought may occur repeatedly. Lands would turn into desert place. The rainy season is the best time for plantation of trees. We should take some effective measures to grow them well. We should take care of them properly as to the animals or other concerns can not damage them. We can get available trees from any nursery or govt. agriculture department. We can take part in tree plantation campaign. We should make the tree plantation program successful for a better habitat.


                Tree Plantation

Tree plantation means planting trees in large number. Trees are very important to us in many ways. Trees cover a great deal of our food deficiency by providing fruits and vitamins. They supply timber for various uses. Trees prevent soil erosion. Many kinds of medicines are prepared from leaves, roots and barks of trees. We cannot think of our existence without trees. For our breathing we need oxygen and this oxygen is supplied by trees. Trees keep our environment good by absorbing the poisonous gas carbon-dioxide. The role of trees is great in maintaining the ecological balance of our environment. Ecological balance is a healthy or balanced relationship between the living and non-living elements of our environment. Trees help us preserve this balance by providing shelter to birds and animals and by supplying oxygen. It is said that a country needs 25% forest land to maintain its ecological balance. In absence of trees a country must turn into a desert and no living beings can live there. So, it is essential for us to plant trees. They can be planted beside the roads, in and around educational institutions and in any suitable open space. We should take care of trees for our own interest.

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 Tree plantation

Tree plantation means the process of planting trees .Now a days it has become a social movement in our country. Trees are a great boon to us. They are related with our life and well-being. The boons and benefits derived from them are too many to count. Trees provide us shelter, food, fruits, firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air pollution and floods. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides. They are essential to maintain ecological balance and preservation of fauna. We all should plant and grow more and more trees and protect them. Social forestry should be taken on a large scale and trees should be grown all around where in space. Trees add to the beauty and quality of our life and living. We have to plant trees in every bare space of land, the sea beaches, the low –lying areas, the road sides should be brought under deforestation. We cannot think our existence without trees. People should grow more and more trees to improve our adverse situation. The result of tree plantation will be positive for human being in every sphere of life.

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